There seems to be a huge misunderstand in some department of Prince William County that “green infrastructure” can substitute for maintaining natural open space and not developing more than 5%-10% of the Occoquan Watershed to preserve our essential water resources and the source water for the Occoquan Reservoir. This is not true. Green infrastructure emphasizes design elements to manage stormwater and enhance urban environments. Natural open space is essential to preserve existing ecosystems-our essential Occoquan Watershed.
Traditional "gray" stormwater infrastructure is
designed to move urban stormwater away from the built environment and
includes curbs, gutters, drains, piping, and collection systems.
Generally, traditional gray infrastructure collects and conveys
stormwater from impervious surfaces, such as roadways, parking lots and
rooftops, into a series of piping that ultimately discharges untreated
stormwater into a local water body. This would indeed be disastrous to
our local drinking water supply. “Green" stormwater infrastructure is
designed to mimic nature and slow stormwater movement. Trying to capture
rainwater where it falls in stormwater ponds or slowing the velocity of
stormwater with some natural elements. Green infrastructure reduces and somewhat
treats stormwater to reduce localized flooding, reduce the costs of
stormwater infrastructure, and improve aesthetics.
Only at the largest scale, the preservation and restoration
of natural landscapes (such as forests, floodplains, and wetlands) is it
possible to restore the function of the land. Prince William Forest Park which
took over a hundred years to restore from monoculture agriculture to an Eastern
Piedmont forest may be an example. There is a huge difference between letting a
forest reclaim agricultural fields and trying to restore urbanized land. There
is no example of restoration of land from urbanization back to forest.
Changing land use from open land either forest or
agriculture can reduce the water supply over time. Many studies have found that
an increase in impervious surface reduces base flow to our rivers and streams.
This is because impervious surfaces prevent infiltration, thereby reducing
groundwater recharge and base flow. As groundwater levels fall, perennial
streams that feed the rivers become ephemeral. The groundwater becomes
disconnected from the surface water network.
No study has found that green infrastructure prevents this
from happening. The quantity of impervious surfaces, those surfaces that
prohibit the infiltration of water from the land surface into the underlying
soil, turns out to be the most critical indicator for analyzing impacts of
urbanization on the water environment. Once the hydrology is destroyed by
development, it cannot be restored.
In the Water
Infrastructure Improvement Act, of 2019, green infrastructure is defined as "the
range of measures that use plant or soil systems, permeable pavement or other
permeable surfaces or substrates, stormwater harvest and reuse, or landscaping
to store, infiltrate, or evapotranspirate stormwater and reduce flows to sewer
systems or to surface waters." Though the principals are related to
maintaining a functioning watershed, these steps are inadequate to preserved a
functioning watershed as the impervious surfaces expand beyond 10%. Stream
quality degrades and can only be slowed, but not stopped by green
Impervious surface increases the frequency and intensity of
downstream runoff and decreases water quality. Increasing urbanization has
resulted in increased amounts of impervious surfaces - roads, parking lots,
roof tops, and so on - and a decrease in the amount of forested lands,
wetlands, and other forms of open space that absorb and clean storm water in
the natural system. This change in the impervious-pervious surface balance has
caused significant changes to both the quality and quantity of the storm water
runoff, leading to degraded stream and watershed systems.
Furthermore several studies have documented that the
quantity of impervious surfaces is directly related to the water quality of a watershed-
the drainage basin and it’s receiving streams, lakes, and ponds. Increase in
impervious cover and runoff directly impact the transport of non-point source
pollutants including pathogens, nutrients, toxic contaminants, and sediment. Impervious
surfaces also collect and accumulate pollutants that are deposited on roadways
and other impervious surfaces from the
atmosphere, leaked from vehicles or derived from other point sources. During
storms, accumulated pollutants are quickly washed off these surfaces and
rapidly delivered to aquatic systems. As the area under impervious cover
increases, more water reaches the Chesapeake Bay and ocean as surface water
run-off. Stormwater runoff picks up pollutants as it flows across land
surfaces. Pollutants include sediment, pesticides, asphalt, fertilizers,
bacteria and other disease-causing organisms from failing septic systems;
petroleum products such as oil and grease.
Finally, the areal extent of impervious surfaces may
significantly influence urban climate by altering the sensible and latent heat
fluxes within the urban areas as was found in the study of temperature
variation study in Westmoreland County . Areas with a large amount of
impervious surfaces are also susceptible to higher ambient air
temperatures because the man made roads, parking lots, concrete surfaces and
buildings absorb and trap more heat than natural environments. Plants use the
energy of the sun while man made surfaces absorb and radiate the energy of the
sun. These clustering of heat absorbing manmade surfaces and structures
create Urban Heat Islands that can impact a community’s environment
and quality of life increasing energy consumption for cooling, increase
emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, and impaired water quality.
Using 320 air temperature measurements at 20 sample sites on
July 10, 2022 and the Random Forest model in ArcGIS Pro they were able to
extrapolate temperatures across the region, ultimately identifying non-heat
islands, heat islands, and urban heat islands. The data found that 3.57% of the
landmass of the region (approximately 32,700 acres) was an EPA classified urban
heat island. The heat island results were clustered in Fredericksburg and
surrounding areas. The variation was found to be a 17-degree
Fahrenheit difference from forestland temperatures and heat island.
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