Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Biosolids and Contaminants


Newmeyer MN, Lyu Q, Sobus JR, Williams AJ, Nachman KE, Prasse C. Combining Nontargeted Analysis with Computer-Based Hazard Comparison Approaches to Support Prioritization of Unregulated Organic Contaminants in Biosolids. Environ Sci Technol. 2024 Jul 9;58(27):12135-12146. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.4c02934. Epub 2024 Jun 25. PMID: 38916220.

The blog post contains excerpts from the above cited article and the Press Release from Johns Hopkins University.

 In the article cited above, the work was done in the Prasse Lab. Carsten Prasse is an assistant professor of environmental health and engineering, focuses on the occurrence and fate of organic contaminants in the urban water cycle and their impact on environmental and human health. His lab’s recent research has focused on the development of new screening methods to assess exposure to drinking water contaminants. These techniques were used in the research and analysis for this study.

Wastewater treatment processes use screens to remove large solids (human waste) from wastewater, and skim off grease, oil and fat. Wastewater sits in settling tanks where most of the heavy solids fall to the bottom of the tank, where they become thick slurry known as primary sludge. The sludge is separated from the wastewater during the primary treatment is further screened and allowed to gravity thicken in a tank.

Then the sludge is mixed with the solids collected from the secondary and denitrification units in the wastewater treatment plants. The combined solids are pumped to tanks where they are heated to destroy pathogens and further reduce the volume of solids. With treatment sludge is transformed (at least in name) to Biosolids. The U.S. produces 3.76 million tons of biosolids half of which is used to fertilize agricultural lands, golf courses and other landscaped areas (according to the EPA), the remainder is incinerated or disposed of in landfills.  Biosolids are the byproduct of wastewater treatment and have been for decades used a cheap fertilizer.

U.S. EPA regulations limit metals and pathogens in biosolids intended for land applications, but no organic contaminants are currently regulated under 40 CFR Part 503 Rule created in 1989 and still in effect today. It categorizes Biosolids as Class A or B, depending on the level of fecal coliform and salmonella bacteria in the material and restricts the use based on classification. The presence of other emerging contaminants in the Biosolids is not tracked, but has become an emerging area of concern. Previously, research at the University of Virginia found that organic chemicals persist in Biosolids and can be introduced into the food chain.

Land application of biosolids is a widespread practice across the US and remains an approved method by the US EPA. In Maine they had been spreading biosolids on its farms and fields since it was first allowed. Its application on farms had been seen as an inexpensive way to fertilize. Unfortunately, the biosolids became contaminated with PFAS from both residential and industrial wastewater sent to the wastewater treatment plants. Biosolids were land applied and buried in landfills. Animals grazed on the land, food grown on the land picked up some of the PFAS and passed traces into food. PFAS also leached from the land and landfills into groundwater. People passed it onto other wastewater treatment plants and the circle widened.

At last report the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) had found more than 70 PFAS-contaminated farms, a handful of which have had to cease all food production. In 2022, Maine became the first state to ban land application of biosolids and the sale of compost containing biosolids, but not before the farms had to stop producing food. Only Minnesota has done as much testing for PFAS in the agricultural food chain.

Now, the work the work begins to see what is in the biosolids. The above cited research study is the most comprehensive looks at the chemical composition of biosolids across the country and is the first step toward identifying common chemical contaminants that may need government regulation. The findings could help the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency prioritize which organic compounds to investigate further, the researchers said. The research was supported by a U.S. EPA grant and U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention grant.

In the study the researchers used analytical chemistry techniques capable of identifying thousands of chemicals and developed in Dr. Prasse lab. The researchers screened 16 samples of biosolids from wastewater treatment plants in nine U.S. and three Canadian cities. Samples contained traces of pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, and a variety of fragrances. Among them were bisphenol A (BPA), commonly found in plastics, and carbamazepine, a drug used to treat epilepsy and bipolar disorder, ketoconazole and so many others. There were so many that the researchers had to narrow the list focusing on chemicals that appeared in at least 80% of samples.

There were 92 organic compounds that met that criteria: present in 80% or more of the samples. Interestingly enough PFAS was only present in 70%-75% of the samples and did not make the cutoff.

“Because there are so many compounds in biosolids, the question we had was how do we triage? How do we find the chemicals that are widespread and could potentially be problematic, that the EPA and other scientists would need to investigate before proposing regulations,” Professor Carsten Prasse said.

The researchers then created lists of the chemicals found in each sample and compared them to compounds that popped up in multiple places across the country. They identified 92 compounds that were present in 80% or more of the samples.

 “Regulators need to know what these types of fertilizers are made of to determine how they can be responsibly used.” Prasse said.

“We’re not saying that these compounds pose a risk right now because we haven’t done a formal risk assessment,” said Matthew Newmeyer, a research associate at the Bloomberg School of Public Health and first author on the paper. “We’re saying that these have a potential to be problematic and we need more information in order to make sure these biosolids are safe.”

The team plans to measure the identified compounds in the biosolids and vegetables grown in biosolid-amended soil to determine if their concentration levels warrant concern. The researchers are also investigating risks to farmers, landscapers, and composters who work with biosolids.

Read more:

Combining Nontargeted Analysis with Computer-Based Hazard Comparison Approaches to Support Prioritization of Unregulated Organic Contaminants in Biosolids - PubMed (

A review on the fate and effects of contaminants in biosolids applied on land: Hazards and government regulatory policies - PubMed (

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